Continuing its decades-long support of programs to enrich the youth of our community, The Rotary Club of Salisbury has awarded $35,000 divided among ten local non-profit organizations through its annual 3-Point Initiative. Awards range from $2,000 to $5,000.
Funding for these grants comes from the Rotary Club of Salisbury Foundation, Inc. and its partnering organizations that include: the Donnie Williams Foundation, the Richard and Patricia Hazel Charitable Fund, and the Richard A. Henson Foundation, each of which made a generous donation.
Eligible organizations were government entities, faith-based organizations, and non-profit public charities that support programs for youth on the Lower Eastern Shore. Members of the Rotary Club of Salisbury screened the applications, made site visits, and weighed the contributions that each organization would make to our community.
Receiving grants are:
- One Year to Empowerment to teach young women how to be responsible students and citizens
- Salisbury Urban Ministries to fund Kids Café after school programs
- Off Street Sports for physical fitness, tutoring, mental and wellness counseling programs
- Main Street Gym for scholarships and educational materials for underserved youth
- United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore for its Imagination Library program
- Epoch Dream Center for after school tutoring, mental health counseling and summer programs
- Rebirth, Inc. to support after school resource, technology, learning and computer center
- Horizons Delmarva to offer summer programs and tutoring during school days for underserved youth
- Junior Achievement for the Inspire Program for 8th graders to learn about career readiness and finance
- Missal House Foundation to fund the launch of a multi-cultural HOOP bus for free community art and cultural activities in the community.
The Rotary Club of Salisbury’s 3-Point Initiative Chairman Gus Lebois noted that more than 4,000 children are expected to benefit from these grants. “We are proud to continue our tradition of helping children so they will become better students and citizens.”