Executive Director of Peninsula Mental Health, to its Tuesday, September 29th meeting.
Michael Finegan, Ph.D., is the Executive Director of Peninsula Mental Health and its divisions, which include Peninsula Addiction Services and Peninsula Police Psychological Services. Dr. Finegan received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology in 1984. He served his APA Clinical Psychology Internship at the University of Minnesota Medical Center and completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Geriatric Clinical Psychology at the Texas Medical Center. Beginning with his first experience working with law enforcement at the Utah State Prison in 1983, Dr. Finegan has progressively dedicated more time to serving the special needs of law enforcement. Dr. Finegan also serves as Lead Psychologist for the Maryland State Police, heading a statewide emergency response team involved in critical incidents. His clinical interest focuses on treatment of trauma as well as mood and anxiety disorders.
Dr. Finegan has responded as a volunteer to disasters in India, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Haiti, providing front-line psychologic interventions to the victims, first responders, and local/national leaders. He is a frequent guest on local CBS and ABC affiliate stations and has also been featured nationally on NBC’s Dateline, CNN Headline News and the Washington Post.
Dr. Finegan was named by Md Governor Hogan in 2015 to the the Maryland Emergency Heroin Opioid Task Force to address the opioid epidemic. Additionally, he is the governor’s appointee to the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission.
He has served as an invited speaker to the National Academies of Science, Medicine and Engineering as well as guest speaker at the International Conferences hosted by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and the International Association of Chief of Police (IACP).
Annually, The Rotary Club of Wicomico County contributes over $50,000 back into our community through the support of agencies and causes including: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, scholarships for local high school and college students, The Christian Shelter, RYLA, Easter Seals Camp Fairlee, Polio Eradication (Global), Fruitland Community Center, HALO, Wicomico County Library, the construction of wheel chair ramps and much more.
The Rotary Club of Wicomico County meets every Tuesday at noon in the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center at 500 Glen Avenue in Salisbury. To learn more about the Rotary Club of Wicomico County or to obtain membership information, please contact Gary Stiegler, Membership Chair at Gnstiegler@comcast.net or visit the club’s website at www.wicomicorotary.com.