The SACC hosted its January General Membership Luncheon on January 29, 2023, at the Wicomico Civic Center in Salisbury, Maryland. More than fifty in attendance enjoyed pre-luncheon networking and a delicious buffet luncheon.
The featured speaker was Mary D. Kane, President/CEO of the Maryland Chamber of Commerce. SACC President/CEO Bill Chambers introduced Ms. Kane commenting, “In my more than three decades associated with the State Chamber, Mary has proven to be the most effective Chamber President to date. Her ability to navigate leaders in both houses and her talented team at the State Chamber positively impacts Maryland’s businesses.”
State Chamber President Kane touched on several hot-button issues before this session’s General Assembly. Among those is legislation to correct mistakes in last year’s Family Medical Leave legislation, including a push to remove the State from administering this and placing this leave program in the hands of the private sector. State incentives to make more available and affordable childcare, ensuring that Maryland pushes hard for statewide connectivity and how the Kirwan Commission’s education reforms will impact workforce development statewide.
Kane commented on that issue, “What should be addressed is that the State is investing money to implement Kirwan and providing superior public education only to have those graduates leave Maryland to work elsewhere. Maryland needs to keep those young workers here and ensure a competitive business environment to assist in that effort.”
On the new Governor and his new administration, Kane was encouraged, “Amongst Governor Moore’s priorities, he pledges to elevate Maryland’s small business climate. Adding more regulations and employer mandates will not accomplish that goal.”
Kane added that the business community must continue to tell legislators their stories to counter anti-business legislation. “Tell your stories about how your business contributes to your community, local economy, and the lives of your employees daily. The ripple effects of poorly crafted legislation end up harming businesses, thus the importance of telling those stories.”
The next SACC General Membership Luncheon is scheduled for 11:30 AM on February 16, 2023, at the Adam’s Black Diamond Lodge in Fruitland, MD. The featured will be Wicomico Sheriff Mike Lewis. Tickets are $30 for members and $40 for non-members at www.salisburyarea.com.
- January 2023 GML featured speaker Mary D. Kane, President, Maryland Chamber of Commerce
- The SACC President CEO Bill Chambers welcomes guests
- Mary Kane, President, Maryland Chamber of Commerce and Bill Chambers, President CEO Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce
- The SACC 2023 Board Chair Greg Reddell
- Featured speaker Mary D. Kane, President, Maryland Chamber of Commerce
- Christian Shelter Executive Director, Anthony Dickerson