The 2nd Annual Business & Bagels Kickoff Party was a resounding success, with 16 enthusiastic new and returning members in attendance. The event was held last week at Junior Achievement of the Eastern Shore.
Newly appointed Co-Chair Jesus Cruz (The Insurance Market), Vice Chair Ryan Johnson (Avery Hall Insurance), and the Leadership Committee delivered a brief yet inspiring presentation about the mission of the Salisbury Young Professionals and their plans for the upcoming year.
The year’s Young Professional’s agenda promises to be dynamic and engaging, featuring 1-2 “Lunch & Learns,” 2 leadership training sessions, 2 YP-student collaborations with Salisbury University, 2-3 happy hour mixers, and many volunteer opportunities. This kickoff event set a strong foundation for a productive and impactful year ahead.
The Salisbury Area Young Professionals group is committed to creating opportunities for rising leaders. We strive to propel members, their organizations, and their communities forward through connection, support, and empowerment.
Real HVAC Services will host SACCYP’s Lunch & Learn on Wednesday, February 19, from 12:00 – 1:00 PM, at 700 Eastern Shore Drive, Salisbury, MD 21804. Registration is required at https://forms.gle/avnnjEbb6sSqJWtc8.
For more information on how to become a Member of SACC Young Professionals visit salisburyarea.com or email the YPs at salisburyareayps@gmail.com to be added to the email distribution list. You will begin receiving news and information about events, programs, and everything you need to know about SACC-YPs.
Follow us on Facebook @SACCYPS to stay up to date on all news and events!