SALISBURY, MD – July 7, 2021 – The Salvation Army Lower Eastern Shore Richard Hazel Youth Center, in Salisbury, MD, is now taking registrations for summer camp, swim lessons and Fall football.
The Richard Hazel Youth Center (RHYC) will be hosting Summer day camp now until September 3, 2021, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.. A weekly fee of $155.00 includes daily activities and field trips in addition to breakfast and lunch for the campers.
New this year at the RHYC we are offering swim lessons to club members and public. Swim lessons are available Mondays and Wednesdays 4-5 p.m. for youth for $45p.p. Pre-registration is required, and space is limited.
Football registration is open until July 30, 2021. Flag football is open for 5–6-year-olds and tackle and flag is offered to ages 7-14 years old. Football registration is free to RHYC members, non-members fee $75.00 per child with discounts for families with 2 or more children.
To register your child these programs or for more information, call 410-546-7766 ext. 300. For more about our programs, volunteering or to make a donation to The Salvation Army Lower Eastern Shore, please visit https://salvationarmypotomac.org/salisbury or call 410-749-7771 ext. 100.