The Save Small Business Fund is a grant making initiative offering $5,000 grants to as many small employers as they can. A short application will go live on this page on April 20, 2020, at 3:00PM EDT https://www.savesmallbusiness.com/
To Qualify You Must:
– Employ between 3 and 20 people
– Be located in an economically vulnerable community (zip code lookup will tell you if you qualify)
– Have been harmed financially by the COVID-19 pandemicLooking for Funding Sources? Entrepreneurs are finding surprising success funding coronavirus-related projects through crowdsourcing platforms like Kickstarter. –Inc.
You got your PPP loan approved and money deposited into your account. Now what?
Wondering where your stimulus check is? How to track your stimulus check
What Small Businesses Need to Know About the Employee Retention Tax Credit
Free Webinar – Modify Your Business Marketing Strategies Today for the COVID-19 Recovery Ahead
Learn short term and long term marketing strategies designed to help your business understand best practices by leveraging various marketing tools and tactics. Date: April 22, 2020, 10:00AM – 11:30AM. Registration: www.uberconference.com/whcusa