This tax reform is not the answer to Maryland’s fiscal woes

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In a recent op-ed that appeared in The Baltimore Sun, Maryland Chamber President & CEO Mary Kane talks combined reporting and its potential implications if put into effect. The Maryland Spending Affordability Committee met last month to kick off the fiscal year 2026 budget process, which will culminate this April. During the meeting, several legislators discussed the difficult choices before the governor and the General Assembly in balancing the state budget. One proposal that would move us in the wrong direction is combined reporting — a tax policy that would harm rather than help our state’s fiscal outlook.

Our position: The Maryland Chamber strongly opposes combined reporting — a policy that would signal our state is closed for business. Maryland already struggles to compete, and we cannot afford to adopt a volatile tax scheme that would harm businesses of all sizes and discourage investment when we need it most. The solution to Maryland’s fiscal challenges lies in growing our economy by creating a more competitive business environment, not in adopting policies that could reduce state revenues during economic downturns.

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