Governor Hogan Announces Significant Progress on Building Blocks for Recovery Plan (4.22.20)
(4 Building Blocks: Expanding Testing Capacity, Increasing Hospital Surge Capacity, Increased Supply of PPE, Robust Contact Tracing Operation.) Watch Friday’s press conference for Maryland Gov. Hogan to unveil a plan for the state to transition away from restrictions implemented during the coronavirus pandemic. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/494204-maryland-governor-says-he-will-unveil-plan-friday-to-begin-easing
Track Your PPP Loan Spending to Ensure You Qualify for Forgiveness – From Friedman Accountants and Advisors. https://www.friedmanllp.com/insights/track-your-ppp-loan-spending-to-ensure-you-qualify-for-forgiveness
Simple Guide: What is the Paycheck Protection Program? (Including: How do I get my loan forgiven and What are conditions for loan forgiveness?) https://bench.co/blog/operations/paycheck-protection-program/
Employer Q&A Resource – For HR COVID-19 related issues – Shawe Rosenthal law firm https://shawe.com/elerts/covid-19-faqs/
Mark Cuban’s 4-Point Crisis Survival Guide – https://www.inc.com/emily-canal/mark-cuban-coronavirus-pandemic-advice-entrepreneurs-business-owners-ask-me-anything.html