The list below will be updated as circumstances warrant. Newly-added information will be highlighted in yellow and underlined. Please continue to monitor City of Salisbury social media feeds and other credible sources for updates and important information in the coming days and weeks.
Salisbury – In conjunction with heightened precautions and preventative measures mandated by Governor Larry Hogan, the City of Salisbury announces the following temporary actions aimed at minimizing the impact of COVID-19 in our community.
The City of Salisbury’s Unified Command Center remains at a Level 2 Activation (Watch). This level of activation indicates that an event may occur and City department heads and critical staff are monitoring and reporting information regularly to the City Administrator and Mayor.
Residents can anticipate the following effects to normal City operations:
- All youth and Community Center programming is suspended from Monday, March 16 through Friday, March 27, or until public schools reopen to students.
- The Salisbury Marathon and #RunSBY Festival are cancelled. All registrations are deferred to the 2021 #RunSBY Festival. Questions should be directed to sbymarathon@gmail.com.
- 3rd Friday Indoors (March 20, 2020) is on, unchanged, as there is no gathering associated with 3rd Friday Indoors.
- The Average Joe’s 0.5k will be rescheduled to a date to be determined.
- The Hops on the River event will be rescheduled to a date to be determined.
- The Census 2020 Neighborhood Walk will be rescheduled to a date to be determined.
- All events permitted by the City through Easter (April 12, 2020) are canceled. No City support services will be provided to these events and no leases of City property during that time period will be honored. Deposits will be returned, if requested, or held for a rescheduled date.
- All public safety services (Police, Fire, EMS, etc.) remain unchanged.
- The Council Work Session scheduled for this coming Monday, March 16, will proceed as planned, however citizens are urged to take advantage of our community’s public access television simulcast of the meeting rather than attending in-person. You may view the meeting live at www.pac14.org
- All critical public services, including trash and recycling, water and sewer services remain unchanged. There is no need to stockpile bottled water.
- Utilities will NOT conduct water shutoffs for unpaid bills for the duration of the State of Emergency. Water shutoff for unpaid water bills will resume no earlier than 30 days after the State of Emergency is lifted.
- Beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 13, municipal parking lots will be free of charge until further notice. Parking enforcement will continue for on-street, metered spaces, and permitted lots and spaces.
- March’s free bulk pick-up will be postponed until a later date, to be determined.
- Until further notice, job applications, and requests for information on compensation or benefits from the City of Salisbury Human Resources Department should be accessed remotely at 833-SBY-CITY, jobs@salisbury.md, https://salisbury.md/departments/human-resources.
- Until further notice, permit applications, document submissions and correspondence with the City of Salisbury Department of Infrastructure & Development should be accessed remotely at 833-SBY-CITY, infdev@salisbury.md, https://salisbury.md/departments/infrastructure-development.
- Until further notice bill payment to the City of Salisbury Finance Department should be completed remotely at 833-SBY-CITY, finance@salisbury.md, https://salisbury.md/departments/finance/pay.
- As of this release, City Council meetings are scheduled to continue without interruption.
- All City of Salisbury Boards, Commissions, Advisory Committees and Task Force meetings are canceled. Task Forces may continue to meet remotely.
- All City of Salisbury employee work travel out of state is hereby canceled during the period of the State of Emergency and all personal travel out of state is discouraged.
For those who have health insurance, your provider may offer remote clinical appointments. (See attached example.) Citizens are urged to find out if this option is available as an alternative to visiting the doctor’s office in-person.
For public health information, please continue to monitor the Wicomico Health Department and Peninsula Regional Medical Center social media feeds and websites. For COVID-19 information, residents may call (410) 341-4600 during regular business hours or 211 after hours.