Salisbury, MD – Ward Foundation Board of Directors agrees to move the museum’s galleries and operations to a new location and re-open to the public following an extended closure.
Ward Museum’s mission, vision, programming and commitment to preserving and celebrating decoys and waterfowl art remains unchanged. The Ward Museum of Wildfowl Art, Salisbury University is moving to a new space and will undergo a safe and protective relocation of its artwork before re-opening to the public later in 2023. The Ward Museum galleries have been closed to the public since July 2022 following a major failure in the building’s HVAC system. The prolonged failure of the system created unsafe environmental conditions in many of the museum’s galleries, which led to the development and spread of – surface mold on carvings and other pieces of artwork.
The collection, which represents a vital component of the cultural heritage of the Eastern Shore and beyond, is being cared for with the utmost attention. As stewards of the extensive collection, the Ward Foundation is taking every step to professionally clean the affected work and store the remediated pieces in a safe location in preparation for the relocation. Since the system failure, the Ward Foundation has been in frequent consultation with insurance agencies, mold remediation specialists, and decoy and art conservation experts, and is confident in the full restoration and preservation of the collection.
“This institution was founded to honor the art and legacy of the Ward brothers and to celebrate the transition of decoy making from a humble folk craft to a recognized form of decorative art – we will continue to live that mission,” said Ward Foundation Interim Executive Director, Brittany Andrew. “The museum’s collection is one of the largest and finest of its kind in the world. The staff, board, Salisbury University partners and outside experts are all working tirelessly to ensure its long-term safety as we prepare for this upcoming move.”
Environmental conditions in the museum remain under control, but the HVAC system is no longer capable of operating at a long-term level suitable for the preservation and display of the collection. In addition to the HVAC failure, several other systems in the in the galleries of the 30-year-old building were found to be operating below code or will soon require replacement. After careful consideration, and the exploration of multiple approaches to address the on-going facilities issues, the Ward Foundation and Salisbury University agreed they are unable to make the significant financial investment required to support a building approaching the end of its expected lifespan as a museum-quality facility.
“The Ward Museum has been affiliated with Salisbury University for decades,” said Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Karen Olmstead. “We were proud to award honorary doctorates to Lem and Steve Ward in 1974 in recognition of their artistic brilliance, and we are committed to continuing our support, both for the successful relocation of the museum that bears their name, and for its long-term success.”
Salisbury University is providing ongoing assistance to the Ward Foundation in the relocation of the museum’s galleries and programs. The Ward Foundation, with help from the University, is exploring alternative spaces on campus or within the City of Salisbury to continue aspects of its programming.
The museum’s classrooms were unaffected by the HVAC failure, and its Education Department continues to deliver programs to thousands of students and community members – including environmental education field trips for Wicomico County Public Schools.
“Change is always hard and the circumstances that necessitated this change are especially unfortunate,” said Ward Foundation Board of Directors Chair, Arthur Leonard. “As Lem and Steve themselves would surely have agreed, we cannot change the past but we can surely make the future better. The staff, the board, and our University partners are optimistic about our future, and we will all be working together to make the most of this change as we continue to pursue our mission as a leader at the crossroads of the arts, heritage conservation, environmental education, and community service.”
The Ward Foundation would like to thank Salisbury University, the Foundation’s many members and supporters, and the local community for their continued support during this challenging time. “It’s important to remember that the Ward Museum is far more than just a place or a building,” said Andrew. “We look forward to working with Salisbury University and our community of members, volunteers and everyone who loves the unique natural and cultural history of the Eastern Shore, to share the story of the Ward brothers and the long-standing tradition of wildfowl carving.”
About the Ward Foundation
The Ward Foundation is the 501(c)3 nonprofit that staffs and operates the Ward Museum of Wildfowl Art, Salisbury University. The Ward Museum, an affiliate foundation of Salisbury University since 2000, creates spaces and opportunities for learning about artistic traditions, community heritage, and connections to the natural environment. We create inspirational, innovative, and accessible exhibits, educational programs, and public events that build on the legacy of pioneering decoy makers Lem and Steve Ward.