Webinar Series on Equity and Inclusion to Launch Next Month

Next month, the Maryland Chamber Foundation will launch a webinar series—”Promoting Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace”—that will be available to all Maryland Chamber members and members of the business community. Starting in July 2020, the Foundation will host a one-hour webinar every other month for a year (six webinars). The series will showcase best practices for promoting equity and inclusion in the workplace, and will feature business leaders from high-profile companies who are already doing their part to drive systemic change in their own organizations and communities.
There will be an opportunity for participants to ask questions at the end of each webinar; participants will also be provided with resource materials to take back to their respective workplaces so they can share what they learned with their colleagues. These materials will also be posted on our website for the general public.
While we acknowledge that the business community does not have all the answers, we are prepared to listen, learn and take the proactive steps necessary to create meaningful change in the workplace and beyond. Together, we can ensure that equality, diversity and criminal justice reform are at the forefront of our discussions on public policy. Stay tuned for more details.