What Marylanders Are Saying About Governor Moore’s 2023 Maryland Association Of Counties Speech


Ocean City, MD – This weekend, Governor Wes Moore delivered the keynote address during the closing session of the 2023 Maryland Association of Counties summer conference in Ocean City. The governor spoke about the disciplined approach required to grow Maryland’s economy amid budget shortfalls and the critical value of partnerships to emerge stronger as a state.

The governor laid out three principles for approaching this year’s budget: Taking a balanced approach, using data to inform strategy, and prioritizing spending in a way that strengthens our assets and grows Maryland’s economy in the long-term. 

Leaders from across the state recognize that Governor Moore’s vision will help Maryland become more competitive and unlock the full potential of our state’s economy. Here is what business professionals, elected officials, and community leaders are saying about Governor’s Moore’s fiscally responsible approach that will make Maryland’s decade: 

“I appreciate the Governor previewing the state’s fiscal climate and efforts to diversify and strengthen our economy,” said Speaker Adrienne Jones. “As a former Appropriator, I understand the difficult decisions that need to be made, but we will continue to balance our budget every year, as required by the constitution. Open and early dialogue with our partners in local government is a welcome and critical part of that effort.”

“As a leader in a Republican county, I can tell you for a fact that Governor Moore puts partisanship aside and is working to better all of our communities across the state,” said Mayor Jack Coburn, Jr. “This governor knows that the problems we face aren’t Republican or Democratic problems, but that they are all of our issues to tackle. I’m glad that we have a leader in Annapolis that we can count on to reach across the aisle and put forward solutions that benefit us all.” 

“Governor Moore clearly understands that the future competitiveness of our State will be shaped by having a highly educated workforce,” said David Wilson, President of Morgan State University. “He also appreciates the role that research institutions like Morgan State must play in driving innovation. We applaud his support of two new research centers at Morgan: the Center for Microelectronics Research and Education, and the Center for the Elimination of Educational Disparities.”

“Governor Wes Moore’s strategic and collaborative leadership is vital for Maryland’s future prosperity,” said Brian D. Pieninck, President & CEO, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield (CareFirst). “As the CEO of an anchor institution deeply invested in the region’s economic health, I am inspired by Governor Moore’s proactive stance on fiscal matters and dedication to turning challenges into opportunities through cross-sector partnerships. CareFirst stands ready to work hand-in-hand with Governor Moore to strengthen our foundation to ensure a better tomorrow for all Marylanders.”

“Continued partnership with county and local officials will be instrumental for Governor Wes Moore to position Maryland’s communities for growth and shared prosperity,” said Mark Anthony Thomas, President & CEO of the Greater Baltimore Committee. “We commend the administration’s immediate work to understand our existing economic performance and communicate a clear vision of economic competitiveness across the key industries and innovation that will fuel Maryland’s decade. The GBC will partner closely with the Moore Administration to pursue game changing opportunities, including the federal tech hub designation, and bold investments to reimagine our core, revitalize our neighborhoods, and connect our region, ensuring that the Greater Baltimore area is best positioned for growth and international expansion.”

“Governor Moore’s vision and approach to solving our biggest economic challenges involves partnership at every level. He is positioning our state to compete and win on all fronts, from growing the Port of Baltimore, to commitments to education, to investing in green energy and cultivating high tech industries. Working together, this will indeed be Maryland’s decade,” said Kerry Doyle, Managing Director of Tradepoint Atlantic. 

“Maryland should be the place where our economy thrives in every jurisdiction and where people want to live, work, play, and grow, not merely overall, but for all. However, we must be cautious given the economic challenges which lie ahead,” said Howard County Executive and 2023 MACo President Calvin Ball. “We must diligently and collaboratively work to reimagine how we create our brightest future. I look forward to partnering with Governor Wes Moore, his entire administration, and all our counties as we collaborate with a data-informed, people-driven approach to making the necessary, fiscally-responsible, and realistic choices.”

“We’re fortunate that Governor Moore understands advanced manufacturing creates jobs for equitable growth, that those jobs should be created in the neighborhoods that benefit the most from them, and that manufacturers have to compete globally on cost of capital,” said Ken Malone, Early Charm Co-Founder. “His support of policies and programs that make all of that possible will lead to equitable growth in Maryland.”

“In our pursuit of a safer tomorrow, collaboration stands as the cornerstone of our work to build true public safety. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to have met with the Governor and senior members of his team over the past few months and are looking forward to working in partnership with them to ensure public safety in Baltimore,” said State’s Attorney Ivan J. Bates. “Just as diverse instruments harmonize to create a symphony, the concerted efforts of our communities, law enforcement, and government forge a resilient shield against adversity and violence. Through unity and collaboration, we compose a narrative of protection, where every resident’s voice is a note of strength, and together, we script a future where safety is our shared masterpiece.”

A full video of the speech can be found here.