The Wicomico County Board of Education in a special meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 30 approved a revised Public Comments Protocol Policy that is posted and is in effect starting with the next Board of Education meeting on Sept. 13.
The Board received some feedback over the past month on the newly adopted Board of Education Public Comments Protocol Policy. Board members and senior leadership discussed the feedback, reviewed public comment guidelines in other school systems and governmental agencies, and drafted revisions for the full Board’s consideration.
On Tuesday, the Board approved these updates to the policy:
- Up to 20 speakers will be able to give public comments during Public Comments time on the agenda of Board of Education meetings. The previous limit was 10 speakers.
- If all 20 speaking slots are not filled through pre-registration, people will now be able to complete the online registration in person at the meeting venue in the hour before the scheduled start time of a Board meeting.
- Signups to give public comment will be on a first-come, first-served basis for each monthly meeting. There will not be a random drawing from among all those who have pre-registered.
- If more than 20 people wish to make comments, only the first 20 pre-registered will make comments during the Board meeting. Others may submit comments to comments@wcboe.org.