The Wicomico County NAACP, Branch #7028, cordially invites you to attend its 13th Annual Freedom Fund Banquet, Saturday, October 6, 2018. The banquet begins at 12 Noon (doors open 11:30a.m.) at the First Baptist Church Family Life and Cultural Center, on the corner of Delaware Avenue and Booth Street, Salisbury, MD.
Tickets are $40 for Adults and $25 for youth, age 12 and under. Ticket orders must be received by September 15, 2018. The deadline for ads and patrons is September 15, 2018.
Attached is an order form for open seat ticket purchases or table reservations for eight (8). A patron/advertisement form is also enclosed. Please make checks payable to: WCNAACP Branch # 7028 at the above mailing address. Tickets will be mailed. (See above deadlines).
The WCNAACP Branch #7028 sincerely appreciates all contributions. Contributions to this NAACP Unit (501-C4) are generally not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes however; businesses may use their donation as an advertisement/promotional deduction.