Superintendent of Schools Dr. Donna C. Hanlin, Chief Academic Officer Dr. Frederick Briggs, and the Board of Education are pleased to announce a number of school leadership changes for Wicomico County Public Schools, effective July 1.
These promotions, appointments and transfers reflect adjustments due to retirements as well as the school system’s commitment to providing additional leadership staff to support school safety and student success. With each of these announced changes, Wicomico County Public Schools strives to provide consistent, transformative leadership at the school level.
The following leadership promotions, appointments and transfers were announced at the May 12 Board of Education meeting.
· Promotion of Ms. Alexan “Aly” Dargan, currently Assistant Principal at Pinehurst Elementary, to Principal of Northwestern Elementary. (Northwestern Principal Ms. Deborah Emge is retiring.)
· Promotion of Ms. Christina Stewart, currently Assistant Principal at Fruitland Intermediate, to Principal of Westside Intermediate. (Westside Intermediate Principal Mr. Christopher Nunzio is retiring.)
· Promotion of Ms. Lavion Bratten, currently an Assistant Principal at Wicomico High, to Principal of the Newcomers Program (serving ELL students who are new to this country) and Evening High. (Current Evening High Principal Mr. David Harner will be further expanding his role as Supervisor of Special Programs.)
· Promotion of Ms. Valerie Folsom to Assistant Principal of Fruitland Intermediate. Ms. Folsom is currently a 2nd-Grade teacher at Beaver Run Elementary.
· Appointment of Mr. Clifford Owens as an Assistant Principal at Wicomico High. Mr. Owens is currently Principal of Eagle Academy PCS at Congress Heights and was the former Principal of Lake Forest South Elementary (Harrington, Del.), a National Blue Ribbon School.
· Transfer of Ms. Lisa King, currently an Assistant Principal at Bennett Middle, to Assistant Principal of Pinehurst Elementary, where she began her teaching career in 2000.
· Transfer of Ms. Genise Fleming, currently Dean of Students at Salisbury Middle, to the same position at East Salisbury Elementary. (Current Dean of Students Mr. Timothy Dickson is transferring to Westside Intermediate to be a Grade 5 teacher.)
· Appointment of a second Dean of Students to support school safety at each of the school system’s three large middle schools:
– Mr. Daniel Menear (Pittsville Elementary and Middle science teacher) joins Mr. Grady McGrew at Bennett Middle
– Ms. Carrie Reeve (Landsdowne Middle physical education teacher) and Dr. Michael Grossman (English and social studies teacher for the Juvenile Services Education System) will serve Salisbury Middle
– Ms. Erin Rosati (Delmar Elementary Special Education teacher) joins Ms. Tamyra Foreman at Wicomico Middle.
· Appointment of a second Dean of Students at each of the school system’s three large high schools to support school safety:
– Ms. Amy Rhodes (Wicomico High guidance counselor) joins Mr. Brent Lewis at James M. Bennett High
– Ms. Lisa McKinnon (Parkside High Math/Teacher Academy of Maryland teacher) joins Ms. Kesha Cook at Parkside High
– Mr. Kevin Zaczkiewicz (Parkside High Band Director) joins Ms. Tessa Gentzel at Wicomico High.
§ Appointment of Ms. Breonna Hopkins (East Salisbury Elementary 3rd-Grade teacher) as Dean of Students of Choices Academy.