SALISBURY, MD – Wicomico Goes Purple (WGP) is excited to announce they will be kicking off year four of their important substance misuse awareness campaign. The Go Purple project aims to educate our community on the dangers of substance misuse and encourages individuals to light their homes and businesses purple and wear purple to spark conversations within our community, especially among our youth. Wicomico Goes Purple strives to share local resources to assist individuals who may be struggling with a substance use disorder and supports individuals on their paths to recovery, all while hoping to Shatter the Stigma of addiction.
Substance Use Disorders are ravaging our community and unfortunately, overdose deaths are on the rise. “We want to help the community understand that this epidemic affects each and every one of us, some just more than others, and let people know that education and resources are available,” says Lori Brewster, Wicomico County Health Officer. In 2020, 47 lives were lost to overdose in Wicomico County, which is 47 lives too many.
The Go Purple campaign will kick off on August 27th with our Tri-County Goes Purple kick-off event and will then run the entire month of September, which is National Recovery Month. There will be many ways that the community can get involved. There is also a list of activities and events that will be taking place throughout the month that the community is encouraged and welcome to attend:
· Tri-County Goes Purple Kick-Off Event- 8/27/22, 6:30pm-Arthur W. Perdue Stadium, Shorebirds Game with Fireworks
· Tri-County Overdose Awareness Day- 08/31/22, 5:00pm-8:00pm, Winterplace Park
· Shatter the Stigma Walk- 9/10/22, 9:30am-11:30am, Wor-Wic Community College
· Tony Hoffman Speaking Engagement- 9/28/22, 5:00pm-7:30pm, Wor-Wic Community College
· A Night of Hope- 09/30/22 6:00pm-7:30pm- Salisbury City Park
· Toiletry Drive- 09/01/22-09/30/22- 5 drop off locations throughout the county
If you have any questions regarding the events or the project please contact Christina Bowie-Simpson or David Fitzgerald, Go Purple Chairs at info@wicomicogoespurple.com or by calling (443) 977-7994. If you or someone you love is struggling with a substance use disorder please call the Wicomico County COAT program 24/7 at (443) 783-6875 or visit the Wicomico County Safe Station 24/7 located at 726 S. South Blvd, Salisbury, MD (inside of the Recovery Resource Center).