Wicomico Public Libraries Project READ will host an OPEN HOUSE on Wednesday, November 7, 2018, from 2:00 – 5:00 PM in the Entrepreneur Center located in the lower level of the Downtown Branch.
Project READ, through its adult literacy coaches, offers free, confidential, one-on-one tutoring in reading, math, writing, speaking, computer literacy, health literacy and job readiness skills to adult learners.
Since 2016, 45 adult literacy coaches have assisted 55 individuals in improving their life skills, becoming more successful, obtaining employment and achieving greater independence.
The success of Project READ is attributed to the dedication of the adult literacy coaches and the determination and achievements of the adult learners.
Opportunities are currently available for volunteer adult literacy coaches and adult learners. For more information, please stop by the OPEN HOUSE or contact Wynnette Curtis, Project READ, Coordinator at 410-749-3612, x159 or email her at wcurtis@wicomico.org.
Wicomico Public Libraries are located in Downtown Salisbury, the Centre at Salisbury, on the grounds of the Pittsville Elementary and Middle School, and via the Bookmobile. The Library strives to create an accessible, welcoming space where the community can discover new ideas and connect with one another. Wicomico Public Libraries offer numerous resources such as free Internet access, a variety of classes and events, and an online Digital Library. Your Library supports learning, economic development, and community engagement. You Belong @ Wicomico Public Libraries!
For more information on Wicomico Public Libraries or if you wish to become a Friend of the Library, please visit www.wicomicolibraries.org or check out our newsletter – Belong – in the Library or online.