Women Supporting Women names Dr. Cathy Townsend as new board vice president.
Participating on the board of directors for Women Supporting Women enables community members to be ambassadors for the non-profit and helps to spread the mission of providing awareness, education and support to all those affected by breast cancer.
Dr. Townsend was born and raised in Wicomico County and graduated from Wicomico Senior High School in 1973. She received a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Psychology from Salisbury State College in 1977 and later received a Masters of Education from Salisbury University in 1997. In 2011, Dr. Townsend earned her doctoral degree in Innovation and Leadership from Wilmington University. In addition to her studies, she recently retired from the Wicomico County Board of Education of 29 years, was the Chairman of the Board at the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce, actively participates in her church, bridge club and Salisbury Women’s Investment group, all while being a wife, mother and grandmother.
Townsend has been a member of the board since 2017 and recently became Vice President in 2018. Cathy says, “I am delighted to have the opportunity to be a part of WSW. The work and support that WSW provides in our community to support breast cancer survivors is unparalleled.” Our organization looks forward to celebrating our 25th Anniversary and moving Women Supporting Women forward in a positive direction for years to come.
Women Supporting Women is a local, grass-roots non-profit organization dedicated to providing awareness, education and support to all those who are affected by breast cancer. With no national ties or funding, they rely completely on our community to help provide free services to our neighbors, friends and families right here on Delmarva. To learn more about WSW, visit www.womensupportingwomen.org or www.facebook.com/womensupportingwomendelmarva, or stop by the Salisbury office located at 1320 Belmont Avenue, next to the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore.