Salisbury, MD – July 29, 2021 – Women Supporting Women has received a grant of $1,647 from Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore through their Lower Shore Funds for Community Needs.
With this grant, WSW was able to purchase products to create small care packages, or “Poufs”, for those who are going through Chemotherapy. Each “Pouf” is a small travel bag that contains comfort items that can help patients as they go through their Chemotherapy treatments and can help alleviate some symptoms.
These resources from Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore have been very helpful and beneficial for us at WSW. Therefore, those who are apart of WSW would like to give our deepest gratitude to the staff at Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore for their generous grant and continued support.
For more information on how to make donations for Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, visit the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shores Website at https://www.cfes.org/ or call the office at 410.742.9911. For more information on WSW, visit the Women Supporting Women’s website at http://www.womensupportingwomen.org or call the office at 410.548.7880.
About Women Supporting Women
Women Supporting Women is a local, grass-roots non-profit organization dedicated to providing awareness, education and support to all those who are affected by breast cancer. With no national ties or funding, they rely completely on our community to help provide free services to our neighbors, friends and families right here on Delmarva. To learn more about WSW, visit www.womensupportingwomen.org or www.facebook.com/womensupportingwomendelmarva, or stop by the Salisbury office located at 1320 Belmont Avenue, next to the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore.