Wor-Wic Community College was one of only two community colleges in Maryland to be designated as a Voter Friendly Campus for 2021-22 by the Campus Vote Project and Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA).
The goal of the program is to help institutions develop plans to coordinate administrators, faculty and student organizations in civic and electoral engagement. The program requires college campuses to engage their campus communities and promote voter registration and voting as part of their institutional mission. Wor-Wic’s campus representatives participated in trainings to develop, implement and report results for engagement programs that encouraged students to register and vote.
“I am very happy to receive what I consider an honor,” said Camesha Handy, director of student engagement. “A lot of time, dedication, effort and collaboration went into making sure our campus and students were aware of not only the issues, but also the opportunities to participate in this privilege.”
Visit www.voterfriendlycampus.org for the complete Voter Friendly Schools list.