WSW is excited to introduce our newest intern, Kennedy Boyd, who will be joining us for the completion of her last semester at Salisbury University.
Kennedy was born in Hampton, Virginia and currently resides in Prince George’s County, Maryland. At Salisbury University, she is a part of BSU (Black Student Union) which is an organization that creates a safe space for African American students. She assists these students to be leaders in the school community as well as initiate advocacy. Her most recent job experience was completed at the Wicomico Civic Center’s mass vaccination site. She worked at the vaccination site in the supply chain, and was able to see, first-hand, how health initiatives are developed and implemented. She made sure the nursing staff had supplies and that the site had what they needed to vaccinate people. Working there, she says, “made me fall in love with public health! I was able to see nurse staff, command staff, building staff, and even volunteers work together for one communal goal, to better the communities health.”
When asked why she chose public health as her major, she responded, “I chose public health because it was an opportunity to understand the processes behind assessing the needs of different communities.” She shared that her curriculum was heavily based on learning how to decipher what the community actually needs through assignments like needs assessments, community asset maps and even an judicial interview.
Kennedy is also passionate about advocacy, as she believes that the best thing you can do with what you are naturally gifted, is use it to positively affect others around you. With this mindset, Kennedy was accepted by WSW to join our staff as a public health intern, and we are excited to see what she has to offer and hope she can learn what it is like to serve our community.