Wicomico Public Library is honored to welcome local author William Peak on Saturday, March 14th at 1:00 pm at the Downtown Library for a reading and signing of his debut novel The Oblate’s Confession.
Based upon the work of one of the great (if less well known) figures of Western European history, the Venerable Bede, Peak’s book is meant to reawaken an interest in that lost and mysterious period of time sometimes called “The Dark Ages.”
Mr. Peak received his baccalaureate degree from Washington & Lee University and his master’s from the creative writing program at Hollins University. He works for the Talbot County Free Library on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Thanks to the column he writes for The Star Democrat about life at the library, Peak is regularly greeted on the streets of Easton: “Hey, library guy!”
Wicomico Public Libraries are located in Downtown Salisbury, the Centre at Salisbury, in Pittsville, and the Library Bookmobile. Wicomico Public Libraries offer numerous resources such as free Internet access, a variety of classes and events, and an online eBooks library, and it engages the community through education, economic development and various community events. You Belong @ Wicomico Public Libraries!
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