FORTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL WARD WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP WILDFOWL CARVING COMPETITION AND ART... March 20, 2018 Carvers from around the world will gather in Ocean City, MD, to showcase their work at the 48th annual Ward… READ MORE
‘Beyond Nature’ Exhibit at SU March 20, 2018 Works by four Salisbury University senior painting students are displayed during the exhibit “Beyond Nature” from March 26-April 6 at… READ MORE
SALISBURY ROTARY CLUB 2018 FOUR-WAY TEST AWARD NOMINATION FORM March 19, 2018 NOMINATEE: Name: ____________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ THE FOUR-WAY TEST Of the things we think, say or do: 1. Is it the… READ MORE
SIGN UP TO RECEIVE CELL PHONE EMERGERNCY ALERTS March 19, 2018 (Communicator Citizen Notification System) The Communicator System is a citizen notification method that will automatically notify the Citizens of Wicomico… READ MORE
Prominent Leaders/4-H Alums Elected to National 4-H Council Board March 16, 2018 New Trustees to support ambitious goal of growing 4-H to reach 10 million young people by 2025 Two new Trustees… READ MORE
Mommé Receives Elks Citizen of the Year Award March 16, 2018 The Salisbury Elks Lodge #817 recently recognized Kathleen Mommé as Citizen of the Year. The Elks’ Citizen of the Year… READ MORE
TLC Say Yes to the Prom: PROM 2018 FASHION SHOW... March 15, 2018 Saturday, March 24th 2:00 Centre at Salisbury in front of Macy’s. Receive the VIP discount valid all day March 24th… READ MORE
Rockin’ Road to Dublin comes to the WY&CC March 25 March 15, 2018 ONE NIGHT ONLY! CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED IRISH DANCE/ROCK CONCERT ROCKIN’ ROAD TO DUBLIN COMES TO The Wicomico Youth & Civic… READ MORE
Salisbury University Presents “Hairspray” March 15, 2018 Good morning, Baltimore! Salisbury University’s Bobbi Biron Theatre Program brings John Waters’ ode to 1960s Charm City to Holloway Hall… READ MORE
Kids and Teens Diabetes Support Group Meets March 20 March 15, 2018 Peninsula Regional Medical Center’s Kids and Teens Diabetes Support Group will meet on Tuesday, March 20, 2018, from 6:30 to… READ MORE
Delivery of nearly 500 boxes of shelf-stable meal kits to... March 15, 2018 Delivery of nearly 500 boxes of shelf-stable meal kits to MAC, Inc. recently was made possible through the generosity of… READ MORE
Pemberton Park Nature Camp registration opens March 14, 2018 From catching critters to fishing to practicing survival skills, children will get in touch with the outdoors during Pemberton Park… READ MORE