CRICKET Center Will Increase Child Advocacy with Nonprofit Partner Fund July 14, 2016 Worcester County’s CRICKET Center recently established a Nonprofit Partner Fund with the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore. The $12,000… READ MORE
Green Roof Installed at SU July 11, 2016 From a makeshift Quidditch arena; to the location of fundraisers and festivals; to a place to study, chat or just… READ MORE
Salisbury Fire Department Open House July 10, 2016 The Salisbury Fire Department will host an Open House on Saturday August 13th, 2016 from 10 am to 2 pm… READ MORE
Wicomico Graduate Awarded Eastern Shore Builders Association Scholarship July 8, 2016 Left to Right: Greg Sauter, Joan Strang, Donnie Messick, Kye Stewart and his mother Renita Boone, Mike Poole. The Eastern… READ MORE
Bank of America Generously Supports United Way July 7, 2016 Bank of America recently presented United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore with a $5,000 grant to support local programs… READ MORE
Registration Open for Men’s and Coed Fall Softball June 30, 2016 Gather some friends, show off softball skills and have fun as part of a Wicomico Recreation & Parks adult softball… READ MORE
Tickets Available for Jaycees’ July 9 Happy Hoppy Day Brewery... June 30, 2016 Beer, baseball and a bus combine to help area homeless shelters during the Salisbury Jaycees’ fourth annual Happy Hoppy Day… READ MORE
WCNAACP Accepting Donations for Back-to-School Rally June 30, 2016 The Wicomico County NAACP Branch 7028 is having its 11th Back-to-School Rally on August 4, 2016. The rally will be held… READ MORE
Registration Open for Wicomico Matrix Soccer Programs June 24, 2016 Young soccer players can improve upon their skills while experiencing the Matrix Way during different Wicomico Matrix soccer programs this… READ MORE
Nine Students Awarded Locally Established Scholarships June 24, 2016 Left to Right: Ron Peterman (fund representative), Tiffany Pham and parents Tony Pham and Nancy Bui, Steve White (fund representative),… READ MORE
Camp Fairlee Scholarships Assist Campers with Disabilities June 23, 2016 Left to right: Sheldon and Sara Larmore (fund representatives), BJ Summers (Community Foundation), and Ford Waggoner (Easter Seals). As summer… READ MORE
Wicomico County to Host Major Summer Basketball Events June 22, 2016 Wicomico County is expanding its role in youth basketball with two tournaments coming to the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center… READ MORE