CEO Spotlight: Jim Perdue & Alan Wilson

md chamber

Join us on Wednesday, September 17, to network with regional business leaders and enjoy a unique joint interview with Jim Perdue, Chairman of Perdue Farms and Alan Wilson, Chairman, President, and CEO of McCormick and Company.

The event will last from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM and is located at
Hilton Baltimore BWI Airport
1739 W. Nursery Rd.
Linthicum, MD 21090

Register today to gain insights about leadership, business decisions, career thoughts, and trends shaping business today. Our featured executives will discuss their companies, careers, leadership, management, decision-making and more.
Registration is only $45 for Maryland Chamber members ($55 after August 29). The nonmember rate is $75. Register online or contact Kristen Solis at (410) 269-0642, (301) 261-2858



Jim Perdue
Like his father, Frank, Jim Perdue grew up in the family business, but didn’t decide to make it his business right away. He thought at first of becoming a marine biologist. In fact, he earned his Ph.D. in fisheries. But in 1983, he accepted his dad’s invitation to return to the family business, joining the company as an entry-level management trainee. After working many different management jobs in just about every area of the company, and earning his master’s degree in business along the way, Jim became chairman in 1991 and also took over as advertising spokesperson. Jim has guided the company through continued growth and change while holding fast to the values inherited from his grandfather and father.

Alan Wilson
Alan Wilson has served as Chairman, President, and CEO of McCormick and Company, Inc. since 2008. McCormick closed 2012 with a record $4 billion in sales. Since joining McCormick in 1993, Wilson has led different organizations — from supply chain to business units — and has held many executive management roles including President of Tubed Products; President of McCormick, Canada; President of US Consumer Foods; President of North America and President and COO of McCormick. Prior to joining McCormick, Mr. Wilson worked at Procter & Gamble, where he held progressively responsible positions in product supply, procurement and manufacturing.