Inaugural event a partnership between Wicomico Recreation and Iron Strong CrossFit
SALISBURY, Md. – Wicomico County Recreation, Parks & Tourism will launch the Delmarva Fitness Classic, an outdoor fitness competition, this November. The inaugural event is a partnership between Wicomico Recreation and Iron Strong CrossFit.
The event will take place November 9-10 at the recently-expanded Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex in Salisbury.
Participants will compete in five different CrossFit-style workouts over a two-day period; three workouts on Saturday and two workouts on Sunday. The event will conclude with a championship workout for the top teams in each division.
“We’re anticipating a competitive weekend with athletes from across the Mid-Atlantic region,” said event organizer Brian Workman. “We’re excited to see what these teams bring to the table.”
The event is open to coed teams of two, ages 18+. Participants can register in one of three divisions; RX, Scaled and Masters (ages 45+). Each division’s top finishers will take home individual medals, championship swag and a championship banner for their box. The RX division will also offer cash prizes for the top three teams.
All participants will receive a t-shirt and towel.
The registration fee is $140 per team. Registration is available at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center box office (Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.–6 p.m.) and online at http://bit.ly/DelmarvaFitnessClassic. The registration deadline is October 3.
Volunteers and judges are needed, and will receive an event t-shirt for participating. Vendor space is also available. Applications for volunteers, judges and vendors are available online.
Contact Brian Workman at 410-548-4900 x105 or bworkman@wicomicocounty.org.