Linda Hurley, the Director of the Peninsula Sleep Waves Sleep Center at Peninsula Regional Medical Center, was recently appointed to the position of Treasurer with the Maryland Sleep Society’s (MDSS) Board of Directors. Hurley’s term is for a two year period.
MDSS has as its mission to promote education and training among sleep professionals, advance technological standards and increase public awareness about sleep disorders. The Society also works in the interest of patients and the sleep field legislatively and with insurance carriers to ensure the highest standards of care.
An estimated 30 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders, which include sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, insomnia and narcolepsy. The majority who suffer are not diagnosed. A simple and painless sleep study can easily diagnose a variety of sleep disorders.
On average, 2,500 sleep studies are performed annually at the center located on the Peninsula Regional campus. To learn more about Peninsula Sleep Waves at PRMC, please call 410-543-7774 or visit them online at www.peninsula.org/SleepLab.