MAC Inc. Executive Director Margaret A. “Peggy” Bradford will retire Sept. 30, 2016, after 37 years at the helm of the Area Agency on Aging.
A dinner to honor Bradford will be held Saturday, Sept. 24, at The Bistro in The Commons at Salisbury University. The evening starts with a cash bar and hors d’oeuvres at 6 p.m., with dinner to follow at 6:45 p.m.
Tickets are $70, with proceeds to benefit MAC programs in Bradford’s honor. In addition, there are ad sponsorship opportunities available in a special program booklet.
Ticket sales are limited. For more information or to purchase tickets, call 410-742-0505, ext. 118. The ad sponsor deadline is Aug. 26; the last date to purchase tickets only is Sept. 14.
The private, nonprofit organization has grown tremendously since Bradford took the executive director position in 1979, both in the number of programs offered and how many senior citizens on the Lower Shore are served. In addition, the staff has grown from nine people in 1979 to 52 employees today.
Previously housed in an old state hospital building on Pine Bluff Road, MAC built and moved into its current home at 909 Progress Circle in 2009. An education wing was added and dedicated in 2015. The building is approximately 44,000 square feet.
MAC’s mission is to preserve dignity and to promote health and independence of older adults through services and education. MAC is a member agency of the United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore.