The 15th Annual St Paddy’s Day Race will be held on Saturday, March 15th at Salisbury Elks Lodge. The 5K Run/ 2K Walk course will be in the park and through the Salisbury Zoo to the finish line. Registration will begin at 2:00 P.M. and the race will begin promptly at 3:00 P.M. Awards Party will be held immediately after race with food and prizes presented to winners of the race.
As in previous years, the proceeds will assist the over 8,500 persons and their families dealing with Alzheimer’s disease on the Lower Shore of Delmarva. Monies raised will directly impact local families via the respite care program and the caregiver services provided by MAC Incorporated, Area Agency on Aging.
To register in advance go to www.macinc.org and click the “Event” page. For questions,
you can call a race committee representative at 410-742-0505 ext. 123 or e-mail race@macinc.org.
Packet Pickup will held on Thursday, March 13 from noon till 6:00 pm at MAC,Inc., 909 Progress Circle, Salisbury.