Apple Discount Drugs is pleased to announce the certification of Diabetes Educator John Motsko as a Blue Star Diabetes Trainer at Apple Discount Drugs.
“Innovation and technology continues to drastically change healthcare on a daily basis,” said Jeff Sherr, president, Apple Discount Drugs. “It is our responsibility to keep up with these changes to better serve our patients. Having John certified as a BlueStar trainer is one of the many ways Apple Discount Drugs is providing guidance to our diabetic community. Our goal is to help people with diabetes take control of the disease and live a better quality of life.”
BlueStar is a mobile app used to improve the life of people with Type 2 Diabetes. The application offers personalized guidance and tools to help patients track and manage their diabetes. The application gives personalized messages and guidance and therefore requires a prescription from the patient’s provider that John can easily arrange for each patient. Users can track blood glucose levels, medications, diet and exercise all in one convenient place and access them across all devices. BlueStar also lets patients review past entries which can help the patient identify patterns of high and low blood glucose values over time.
“The trouble for people with diabetes is that there is so much information, different resources, products and services out there it becomes difficult and overwhelming to keep track of it all and make sense of what is really needed,” said John Motsko, Apple Diabetes Educator and BlueStar Trainer. “This app allows us as educators make comparisons between daily activities, blood sugar readings and medication compliance and make sure nothing is missing. The most amazing part of this program is that the largest group of users are those ages 60 to 70 years old. Very encouraging for our senior population.”
The application also gives patients the ability to send reports of progress to a doctor or other healthcare professionals prior to office visits. The report includes details about how the patient is managing their diabetes between visits so the doctor has a better understanding of any issues or challenges. BlueStar also uses information entered to send helpful messages, educational tips, and a shot of motivation in real time.
For more information on call Apple Discount Drugs at 410/641-3130 or visit www.appledrugs.com.