Don’t let the cold, gray days of January keep you stuck in the house. MAC’s first Winter Institute offers the chance to get out, meet new people and hear about a variety of entertaining topics!
An exciting schedule of classes is planned for this first Winter Institute, including Musical Magic with Charles Paparella, iPhone Apps, “Graves, Tales and Incredible Tombstones” and Quilting How-To. Other topics to be covered will include scrapbooking, photography, history, gardening, financial planning, connecting with family and friends on social media, getting ready for your first 5K, and more! A total of 27 sessions are planned.
Classes will be held Jan. 9-10; Jan. 14-17, and Jan. 22-24 in the Perdue Family Living Well Education Center at MAC. Three 90-minute sessions will be held each day, starting at 9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. The cost is $3 per session.
Registration forms and complete class schedules are available at MAC, at the main reception desk. All ages are welcome.
The registration deadline is Jan. 4. Registration at the door will be accepted as space permits.
For more information on classes or registration, call 410-742-0505. The complete schedule of Winter Institute classes can be found on MAC’s website, at www.macinc.org.
MAC Incorporated, the Area Agency on Aging, is a private, nonprofit organization serving senior citizens in Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester counties. MAC’s mission is to provide programs and services which promote dignity, health and independence for an aging population.