October Events for Poplar Hill Mansion

Poplar Hill

On Thursday Oct. 15th, we will present our fall tea with fashion show by “The Dressing Room” Menu includes fruit cup, harvest soup, tea sandwiches, scones with clotted cream and jam, sweets and Lady Gray tea. Great raffle items will be available to bid on. Cost is $22.00 per person. Please R.S.V. P. to guarantee a seat. Call 410 749 1776 or curator@poplarhillmansion.org for information.

On Friday Oct. 23rd, we will host an afterhours Open Mike Night for singers, and authors from 5:30 – 8:00 pm.. Bring your books and read an excerpt to tempt the audience, or bring your C.Ds to sell. There is no cost to artists, but please donate 20% of any sales to the Mansion. Contact us at 410 749 1776 to R.S.V. P. and have a table for your books. Light refreshments will be served. This is a FREE event to the public, and chance to pick up some early holiday gifts!

Friday Oct. 30 from 8pm till 11ish, come for a hauntingly ghoulish time at our annual Halloween party. Refreshments will be served, and, and possibly a medium will fly in. Wear your favorite spooktacular clothing and have a chance to win multiple prizes! Author of the “Ghosts” series , Ghost Detective Andy Nunez and author Aleta Davis of “Spirit History of Poplar Hill Mansion will be there to answer your paranormal queries and autograph copies of their books. Cost per person is $5.00 and readings from medium are $5.00. Perhaps you will meet one of our resident Spirits! Bring a friend and join in the fun! Call 410 749 1776 or curator@poplarhillmansion.org for information.

All profits go toward the preservation of Poplar Hill Mansion, a 501 (c ) (3).