Plans are being made to open a new private not-for profit secondary school in Salisbury, The Peninsula School, beginning September 2016.
Join us for the first Peninsula School “Open House” on Saturday, November 14
Time: 10 am to 1:30 pm
Location: Philmore Commons, 424 Phillip Morris Drive, Salisbury MD 21804
The Peninsula School will be a non-religiously affiliated institution, covering grades 9-12. It will offer a low student – teacher ratio. Course work will offer a balance of humanities, the arts, STEM and practical life experience learning. A regular program of athletics and physical activities will be offered. Plans are to begin with a ninth grade class in September 2016 and add one academic year each year thereafter. The first graduating class will be in 2020.
The goal and philosophy at the Peninsula School is to encourage students to develop a “Love for Learning” which will prepare them academically, practically and spiritually to enter university and life with a solid basis to develop each student’s own individual learning passions, qualities and skills under the tutorial guidance of the teaching staff.
The Peninsula School expects to meet the needs of parents and students who have been attending schools in the region which reach only through Middle School, home schoolers and others who seek a learning and growth atmosphere in a small, but intensive learning environment which balances the academic discipline of the State of Maryland educational requirements with the opportunity to explore one’s own learning desires and aptitudes.
Tuition will be comparatively low, which will be possible because of the Peninsula School’s not-for profit model and outside funding sources. Scholarships to help cover financial need are envisioned, if not for the first year, then later.
The Peninsula School has been inspired by a number of parents and friends of the Wicomico Day School of Salisbury (WDS). The Peninsula School, however, is in no way formally or organizationally linked or associated with the WDS, but its founders and supporters seek to carry forward into the High School years the academic qualities, challenges, values and atmosphere which are the hallmark of that school.
The Peninsula School will be founded under a non-profit 501 (c) association which will allow The Peninsula School in turn to function as a not for profit entity.
The Peninsula School will meet Maryland academic course and accreditation criteria as a non-public school. It will apply for regional accreditation with Middle States.
The Peninsula School will be located in the Philmore Commons at 424 Phillip Morris Drive in Salisbury.