Poplar Hill Halloween Party

Poplar Hill

Come celebrate Halloween at Poplar Hill Mansion, Friday Oct 31st at 8:00 pm. Dance to spooky music, have refreshments, costume contest, and lots of fun! Madame Helen the Palm Reader will be there with her psychic powers to read your palms for a $5.00 donation. Local Author Andy Nunez will be there as well with his spooky Ghosts books that feature articles about Poplar Hill Mansion for sale. He will share some of his folklore and tales about Poplar Hill. Cost per person is a $5.00 donation. This is an adult only party. Wear your favorite costume, bring a friend and join in the fun!  Poplar Hill Mansion is a 501 ( c) (3). All proceeds go toward the preservation of Poplar Hill Mansion.  Call 410 749 1776 for more information and to RSVP, or email curator@poplarhillmansion.org