PRMC’s Live Well HealthFest is April 11

PRMC Health Fest Feature

Where does good health begin? No matter where you think it does, a hospital isn’t the place that usually comes to mind ─ that’s where you go when you’re sick. “For most of our 117 years, Peninsula Regional has focused on acute care. Now we are moving toward a system that puts patients’ needs first, and makes healthcare more of a team sport,” said Karen Poisker, MSN, MBA, NEA-BC, Peninsula Regional’s Vice President for Population Health.
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That mindset of wellness and prevention is behind many of Peninsula Regional’s upcoming initiatives, including its annual Live Well HealthFest, a free screening event planned this year for April 11 from 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at James M. Bennett High School in Salisbury.
More than 35 free health screenings will be available without pre-registration for anyone looking to find out how healthy they are, and to learn what they can do to lead an even healthier and more productive lifestyle.
At various times during the event, participants may also enjoy a therapy dog demonstration, dance and yoga performances, fitness demonstrations for people of all ages, a free rock climbing wall, moon bounce, fire engine and ambulance tours, a fly-in and helicopter tours by the Maryland State Police, a da Vinci surgical robot demonstration, a health corner for kids presented by PRMC Child Care, a healthy smoothie-making demonstration, a free photo booth or the opportunity to visit with about 50 exhibitors and vendors.
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For more information on LiveWell HealthFest: An event for all ages, a map and a complete list of screenings and demonstrations, please visit PRMC’s website at