You and Your Dog On Leash Are Invited!
2014 Responsible Dog Ownership Day
Saturday, September 20th
8:00 a.m. to Noon
Hosted by the Salisbury Maryland Kennel Club
31663 Winterplace Parkway
Salisbury, Maryland
Children are to be accompanied by an adult.
8:00-9:00 Registrations for Salisbury MD Kennel Club Charitable Trust “Dog Walk” — Dog and Handler
$20.00, additional Dogs $5.00 each (Tax Deductible)
9:00 Dog Walk to benefit the purchase of bullet/stab proof dog safety vests for K-9 Units
and small animal oxygen masks for fire departments in the Tri Counties
9:30 “Blessing of the Dogs” by Rev. David Michaud
9:45 K-9 Demo by the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Department
10:15 Presentation about VSCOA PAWS
10:30 “Meet the Breeds Parade”
11:00 Rally Demo
11:15 Obedience Demo
11:30 Parade of Rescues & Adoptees – Bring yours on leash to participate! Ribbon & Certificate
awarded to each entry!
11:45 Agility Demo
“CGC” Canine Good Citizen Testing, $10.00 per dog – Until Noon
“Ask the Doc” Dr. Heather Brooks with the Wicomico Veterinary Hospital will be available to answer any
pet health related questions
Nail trimming by Cathy’s Pet Salon, Spa, & Doggie Daycare – $5.00/dog – Donation To Benefit Safety Vests
For Police K-9s
Wicomico Humane Society with adoption information
“Pets on Wheels” – Local therapy dogs that make a difference
Salisbury Maryland Kennel Club info, who we are, what we do and classes offered
“Pat & Chat” – a chance to ask questions about the breeds and dog ownership
And finally a wonderful Raffle Table – Drawing at Noon – Need not be present to win!