The Village of Hope will host their First Annual “Who Let the Dawgs Out!” event on Saturday, November 5, 2016 from 1-5 p.m. on its campus located at 1001 Lake Street in Salisbury. This all you can eat feast will include imported hot dawgs, sausage and bratwurst from the famous Lieh & Steigerwald Butcher Shop in upstate New York. Raw & smoked oysters, craft beers, wine and assorted sides will complete the menu. Entertainment will be provided by Mickey Justice.
The cost is $50 per person and $10 for children under 12. All proceeds will benefit the programs and services the Village of Hope provides to its Transitional Living Program participants.
For more information, contact the Village of Hope at 410-860-5981. Reservations are available online at www.villageofhope.us under events.
Founded in 1990, the Village of Hope’s mission is to promote self-sufficiency and to improve the quality of life among at-risk women and children.