We’re back! EXIT Shore Realty & The Roop Group are teaming up with the Lower Shore Parkinson’s Support Group in an effort to raise money for Parkinson’s Disease (PD) research & support by hosting the “WinHarrysCorvette.com” event and giving away Harry’s 1985 T-top Corvette!! This is going to be big! In the past we have held the “Party for Parkinson’s” with a charity casino raising thousands of dollars for this great cause. Now we are back bigger and better than ever. It’s our goal to organize a 2015 fundraising event for this cause and to raise over $20,000 for the Lower Shore Parkinson’s Support Group, Inc.
Our Broker and dear friend Harry Roop, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2009 and his father passed away from this disease. This year Harry was also diagnosed with Lymphoma Cancer (the same cancer as our Governor Larry Hogan) and has just finished his last chemo treatment. And yes, he is rocking a new hairdo: bald. It’s a good look and he’s sporting it well :). We want to help Harry and everyone we can living on the Lower Shore who is affected by Parkinson’s disease. Harry has helped countless numbers of people in his lifetime and his warm heart has blessed hundreds of others. Harry is a man always giving to others before giving to himself, and this is our way to finally give back to him. Helping this group is really near and dear to our hearts! There are several thousand people on the Eastern Shore alone that are affected with this disease, so we are asking EVERYONE for help!!
The proceeds from this event will be put to good use. Parkinson’s disease is a chronic and progressive disease with no cure. Current medicines and surgeries can improve symptoms temporarily but cannot slow the progression. Proper exercise will not only improve one’s quality of life, but is thought to have some impact in slowing the pace of the disease. The local support group has put an emphasis on providing free or low cost exercise opportunities for the Parkinson’s community. It has funded “Dance for PD” classes and, currently, PWR! (Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery) classes weekly for its members. “The Lower Shore Table Tennis Club” is a program owned and operated by the support group with six tables located at Crown Sports Center. Persons with PD and their caregiver may attend without cost. The club is also made available to the public for a small fee. These classes require a funding source to pay for the use of facilities and a specially trained instructor. A portion of the local group’s proceeds will be donated to select national Parkinson’s organizations that make grants in support of research seeking a cure for the disease and for additional educational material that can affect the understanding and the management of PD symptoms. Please visit www.pdlowershore.org or call Director, Art Cooley at (410) 749-8511 for more information.
We are asking business owners, organizations and individuals to help us in our efforts to make this event a huge success by buying a ticket for $25 or a bundle of tickets! The more you buy, the more chances you have to win! If you spend $100, you get 1 raffle ticket for free, if you spend $300 you get 3 raffle tickets for free and 2 tickets to our VIP Lounge and if you spend $500 and become a sponsor of the event and you will get 5 raffle tickets for free, you will get 4 tickets to our VIP Lounge where you will get a free drink pass, free hors d’oeuvres and a champagne toast! There will be Live Band & DJ, dancing, drink specials and a 50/50 raffle!! We are also seeking individual or business sponsorships by spending over $300 on tickets! If you spend $300, $500 or more, you will get your companies logo and website listed on www.WinHarrysCorvette.com and be a co-sponsor of the party at the event’s conclusion! The conclusion to this exciting event will be celebrated at our Winners Circle Party on Friday December 18th, 2015 at Brew River Restaurant and Bar in Salisbury, MD from 7 to 9pm, with after party to follow. It will be the party of the year!
Don’t miss your chance to secure your tickets or business sponsorship. Only 2,900 tickets will be sold so buy now. Your business sponsorship of $500 or more will be a tax write off under the rules and regulations of Section 501(c)(3) non profit foundation. Sponsorships and individual tickets can be purchased at the The Roop Group & EXIT Shore Realty office, located at 2815 N Salisbury Blvd, Salisbury MD 21801 (Rt. 13 across from Chili’s Restaurant), on our website or by calling The Roop Group (www.TheRoopGroup.com ) & EXIT Shore Realty’s General Manager, Micki Baliey at 410-742-7368.