Wicomico Paddle Partnership River Clean Up October 22, 2014 We’ve got the paddles and pdf’s – now all we need is PEOPLE! Wicomico Paddle Partnership River Clean Up What… READ MORE
Junior Achievement – Ribbon Cutting October 17, 2014 On October 8th Jayme Hayes, President of Junior Achievement of the Eastern Shore cut the ribbon to officially open their… READ MORE
2014 Chamberfest October 10, 2014 The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce will be hosting ChamberFest, a business-to-consumer showcase, on Saturday, October 25th at the Centre… READ MORE
9th Annual Job Fair October 10, 2014 Over 40 Employers at Chamber’s Fall Job Fair There will be hundreds of job openings available at the 9th Annual… READ MORE
Wicomico County Extension Business After Hours October 8, 2014 Chamber members gathered on Thursday, October 2 for a Business After Hours at University of Maryland’s Wicomico County Extension office.… READ MORE
CPR Cell Phone Repair Ribbon Cutting October 8, 2014 Chamber members celebrated the opening of CPR Cell Phone Repair with a Ribbon Cutting on Thursday, October 2. CPR Offers… READ MORE
Bundles of Joy Ribbon Cutting October 1, 2014 The Chamber was delighted to be included in the Ribbon Cutting for the Bundles of Joy Outdoor Classroom on Wednesday,… READ MORE
September Renewals October 1, 2014 Art Institute & Gallery Atlantic Physical Therapy Rehab. & Sports Med. Inc. Atria Salisbury Bell Security Systems Burnett White Tire… READ MORE
September New Members October 1, 2014 1st Response Training Inc. Rep: Harold Cyr 213 West Main St. Suite 103 Salisbury, MD 21801 443 736-4289 410 749-2894… READ MORE
Marley Manor Ribbon Cutting September 30, 2014 On a rainy Thursday afternoon Marley Manor Luxury Apartments and Townhomes invited us to celebrate the completion of their latest… READ MORE
Charm City Fashion Ribbon Cutting September 30, 2014 Chamber members gathered on a Friday afternoon to welcome Charm City Fashion to the Chamber and celebrate their grand opening! … READ MORE
Stash Your Trash Make-a-Heron Contest September 24, 2014 What: Work with the City of Salisbury and Wicomico County’s “Stash Your Trash” campaign to host a Make-a-Heron sculpture, whereby teams… READ MORE