2nd Annual Dodgeball Tournament for Mardela Warriors Booster Club December 21, 2015 Saturday, January 9, 2016…1 PM Mardela Middle & High School Gymnasium Entry Fee- $10.00 for students ($60 per team) $15.00… READ MORE
Broadway’s Song and Dance Extravaganza, 42nd Street is Coming to... December 17, 2015 The quintessential backstage musical comedy classic 42nd Street will celebrate a one night engagement at the Wicomico Youth & Civic… READ MORE
St Paddy’s Day Run December 15, 2015 Registration is now open for the 17th Annual St. Paddy’s Day 5K Run/2K Walk, to be held at 3 p.m.… READ MORE
Wicomico Students Participate in Optimist Club of Salisbury Youth Appreciation... December 14, 2015 Eighteen Wicomico County middle and high school students spent a day touring the community on the Optimist Club of Salisbury’s… READ MORE
3rd Friday December December 14, 2015 December 18th, 2015 from 5-8pm is the next 3rd Friday in Downtown Salisbury, and the month’s theme is Decemberfest! It’s… READ MORE
BACIL Spaghetti Dinner December 13, 2015 Join Bay Area Center for Independent Living for their Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser on Saturday, January 16, 2016 at Meuse VFW Post… READ MORE
Delmarva Bridal Showcase at the WY&CC on Jan. 3 December 12, 2015 Plan your Delmarva dream wedding at the Delmarva Bridal Showcase on Sunday, January 3 from noon until 4 p.m. at… READ MORE
PRMC/Froggy99.9 Flu Clinic/Free Flu Shots Saturday, December 19 December 11, 2015 Still need your seasonal flu shot? Have a college student home now for the holidays that does? Good news, it’s… READ MORE
Rotarians Prepare Dictionaries for Distribution to Wicomico County 3rd Graders December 11, 2015 Tuesday, December 8, a group of Rotarians and friends of the Rotary Club of Salisbury met to prepare 1,350 dictionaries… READ MORE
Clinical Pastoral Education Class Begins in January at PRMC December 10, 2015 The Pastoral Care Department at Peninsula Regional Medical Center is pleased to offer a Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) spring class… READ MORE
Peninsula Home Care Helps Prepare Families for Elderly Holiday Visitors December 9, 2015 Holidays can be a magical time for gathering with family and friends – but for the elderly and their hosts,… READ MORE
Salisbury Jaycees Announces Salisbury Christmas Parade Winners December 8, 2015 The Salisbury Jaycees have announced the following winners of the 69th annual Salisbury Christmas Parade: Best High School Marching Band… READ MORE