Staging a Successful Start to the School Year August 22, 2015 For children, summertime means longer days, more freedom, and later bed times. This span of carefree weeks is a rite… READ MORE
Consider Your Investment Strategy … at Each “Season” of Your... August 20, 2015 Fall is almost officially here — and if you’re like most people, you’re probably wondering how summer went by so… READ MORE
Tourist Area and Corridor (TAC) Signing Program in Wicomico County August 20, 2015 The State Highway Administration is developing the Tourist Area and Corridor (TAC) Signing Program in Wicomico County. The signs will… READ MORE
Plaza Gallery Building and Annex Gifted to SU August 19, 2015 In unveiling Salisbury University’s updated Facilities Master Plan last April, SU President Janet Dudley-Eshbach predicted the University would eventually have… READ MORE
WinterPlace Park Carriage House Renovations Unveiled at Ribbon Cutting Ceremony August 19, 2015 On Tuesday, Aug. 11, Wicomico County unveiled renovations to the carriage house at WinterPlace Park in Salisbury, Md. during a… READ MORE
Solar City – Business After Hours August 18, 2015 Solar City is demystifying solar! They hosted a Business After Hours at Headquarters Live! on Thursday, August 6 to inform… READ MORE
Local Businesses Welcome Back College Students August 18, 2015 The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce is once again welcoming returning students to our local colleges. August marks the twelfth… READ MORE
Nominations Open for MCE’s 2015 Palmer Gillis Entrepreneur of the... August 13, 2015 Maryland Capital Enterprises (MCE) in now seeking nominations for their Palmer Gillis Entrepreneur of the Year Award which will be… READ MORE
New Members – July August 7, 2015 cordeiromath Rep: Ms Brenda Cordeiro 104 Delaware Avenue Delmar, DE 19940 410 713-0790 Educational tutoring for students and… READ MORE
Business During Hours – Kuhn’s Jewelers August 5, 2015 Chamber members had lunch, did a bit of networking and also did some holiday shopping at Kuhn’s Business During Hours… READ MORE
Viewpoint – August 2015 August 4, 2015 By Ernie Colburn As of this writing, the Chamber is halfway through our 6-Industry Roundtable Meetings. These Roundtable Meetings are… READ MORE
Employees as Entrepreneurs — Fostering Growth Within a Larger Company July 20, 2015 Entrepreneur. It is a word associated with independence, creativity, drive, and problem-solving. It conjures images of freedom and success. It… READ MORE