Fisher Architecture Ribbon Cutting September 4, 2015 It was humid but enjoyable afternoon on Thursday, September 3 when Chamber members gathered to celebrate Fisher Architecture’s new location… READ MORE
Your Website Has a Shelf Life September 3, 2015 By Rebecca Bullard, Creative Director of Matice Just like that box of graham crackers crammed in the back of your… READ MORE
SU Welcomes Visitors to Thriving Campus This Fall September 2, 2015 By Amy Waters, SU Director of Leadership Giving and Stewardship Capistrano has its swallows. Salisbury University has its Sea… READ MORE
New Members – August September 2, 2015 Daniel Steven Varda ~ Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Rep: Daniel Steven Verda 1000 E. Main Street Salisbury, MD 21804 410… READ MORE
Member Renewals – August September 2, 2015 Abbott’s on Broad Creek Art Institute & Gallery Bank of America / Merrill Lynch Spicer Bell BesTemps Big Brothers Big… READ MORE
Viewpoint – September 2015 September 1, 2015 I get the question a lot “What’s going on at the Chamber?” The answer is “Everything!” We’re so deep and… READ MORE
Heron Flock Lands at Blackwell Library August 31, 2015 The Stash Your Trash Heron Flock has landed at the Blackwell Library at Salisbury University to greet students and teachers this Fall. Every heron in… READ MORE
Entrepreneur of the Year Banquet August 27, 2015 Palmer Gillis Entrepreneur of the Year Award Banquet Show your support by purchasing a table at our Annual Award Banquet… READ MORE
Protect Yourself Against the Flu This Year August 27, 2015 Flu season is nearly upon us – the first cases of the season are often caught in September. The best… READ MORE
The River House Inn Business After Hours August 26, 2015 The River House Bed & Breakfast on East Market Street in Snow Hill was the site of a wonderful multi-Chamber… READ MORE
CordeiroMath Café 4.0 Ribbon Cutting August 26, 2015 On a busy August Monday the Chamber was invited to celebrate the opening of CordeiroMath Cafe 4.0! As the school… READ MORE
Stash Your Trash Crab Art Contest August 22, 2015 Last fall, the City of Salisbury and Wicomico County’s “Stash Your Trash” program challenged area residents to try their hands… READ MORE