The SACC February GML featured Salisbury Mayor Randy Taylor as the featured speaker. Mayor Taylor is the City of Salisbury’s 30th Mayor and its first Republican Mayor.
Mayor Taylor campaigned on a platform of progress with transparency. After spending twenty-two years in the commercial banking industry, Taylor left seven years ago to start a business restoring historic homes in the region. Mayor Taylor shared that his administration will be pro-downtown and pro-quality development. “We want our downtown to thrive and with the input from our businesses and residents, we will work towards that end.”
The Mayor presented the current state of the City and commented on the need to add housing assets, some of which is currently underway.
“The issue of housing is a challenge everywhere, Salisbury is not alone, we’ll work collaboratively with the private sector to capitalize on opportunities within the city to add housing unit,” stated Taylor.
Questions for the audience ranged from flooding issues still plaguing parts of the city, public safety, and city parking. Mayor Taylor assured the attendees these and many other projects are all on his radar.
The next General Membership Luncheon featured speaker will be Maryland Secretary of Commerce Kevin Anderson. The luncheon will be held Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 11:30 AM at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center in the Flanders Room. Tickets are $35 for members and $45 for non-members and are available at www.salisburyarea.com.
- Mayor Randy Taylor Addresses the SACC Membership