Fisher earns Salisbury Jaycees’ “Exhausted Rooster” award October 30, 2018 The Salisbury Jaycees recently presented chapter member Travis Fisher of Easton, MD, with its Exhausted Rooster Award, marking his “aging… READ MORE
WICOMICO PUBLIC LIBRARIES PROJECT READ TO HOST AN OPEN HOUSE October 29, 2018 Wicomico Public Libraries Project READ will host an OPEN HOUSE on Wednesday, November 7, 2018, from 2:00 – 5:00 PM… READ MORE
New RISE Zone Approved in Wicomico County October 29, 2018 The Maryland Department of Commerce has approved a Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise Zone, or RISE Zone in the City of… READ MORE
FRIENDS OF WICOMICO PUBLIC LIBRARIES TO HOST BI-ANNUAL BOOK SALE October 23, 2018 Looking for a few good books to read on a cozy fall day? The Friends of Wicomico Public Libraries will… READ MORE
Extras needed for Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park promotional... October 23, 2018 The State of Maryland is assisting with production of a video to promote the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park… READ MORE
“Diabetes Medications” Presentation on November 12 October 23, 2018 Dr. Jack Snitzer to Discuss Medication Management and More Peninsula Regional Nutrition & Diabetes Education invites anyone interested in learning… READ MORE
3rd ANNUAL “BREWS & BITES” AT THE EMBERS ON NOV.... October 19, 2018 Reservations are now being taken for “Brews & Bites,” the third annual fundraiser in Ocean City. Proceeds from Brews &… READ MORE
$92,287 awarded to 21 Lower Shore Nonprofits October 19, 2018 A total of $92,287 will be distributed by the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore to 21 nonprofits serving Wicomico,… READ MORE
Coastal supports Berlin Community Garden with $2,100 grant October 16, 2018 (From left) Coastal Executive Vice President Page Browning, Del. Mary Beth Carozza, REALTOR® Vicki Harmon, REALTOR® Cam Bunting, REALTOR® and… READ MORE
Bank of America Donates $5,000 to Wicomico Habitat for Humanity October 16, 2018 HFHWC executive director Molly Hilligoss, ReStore associate Lee Wise, development coordinator Christina Williams, volunteer Greig Mtichell; Bank of America Vice… READ MORE
SU’s Fall Student Showcase October 15, 2018 Salisbury University students and faculty bring their work to the stage during the SU Dance Company’s 29th Fall Student Showcase.… READ MORE
Lower Eastern Shore Cornament October 15, 2018 WHAT: The 5th Annual “Cornament” Presented by Salisbury Elks Lodge, #817 Benefitting United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore WHEN:… READ MORE